We want to introduce you to Sandro, a dog that we have welcomed with a serious pathology of the intestine.

We want to introduce you to Sandro, a dog that we have welcomed with a serious pathology of the intestine. His bulging abdomen predicted ascites, abdominal fluid, which took 3 days to empty. Initially, the lack of albumin could have caused ascites, so we have transfused the protein and prescribed a gastrointestinal diet. At first we thought it could be leishmaniosis, but his test was negative, so we will continue testing until we can find out what happens to him. Sandro is in serious condition and we don’t know his prognosis. Would you like to help us recover Sandro?

Donations: https://fundacionbm.com/en/adopt/
• Adopt: https://fundacionbm.com/en/adopt/
• You could sponsor: https://fundacionbm.com/en/hazte-padrino-2/
• For €1 a month: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK 


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