An endearing grandfather

Sauce came to us yesterday and we couldn’t wait to share it, as his case is urgent. He is 11 years old, and a old tarsal fracture and a fibula fracture. He also has osteoarthritis and needs a lot of rest and a warm place to rest. He is sociable, really affectionate, and is also cat safe. It is really wonderful !!! We urgently seek a foster home for him in Seville while we look for a family for him. Would you be willing to give him this super Christmas present? We assure you that you will not regret it!
Do you want to host him temporarily? (Only province of Seville)
• FOSTER: Send a message with your name, surname and contact telephone number and we will contact you soon.

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Alfred, our “grumpy grandpa,” is actually a very fun and affectionate dog, but the shelter environment doesn’t suit him well. Here at the shelter, he

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