Yina has been with us for 927 days. He arrived in July 2019 and yesterday he set course for his new life …
They say that you get used to it, but it is not true. You never get used to saying goodbye …
Yina was a grumpy but endearing granny. She had a very peculiar way of walking, since due to her illness, she can barely move her hind legs and she always walked with very short steps with which she made us all smile. Sometimes, she had excruciating pain and she wouldn’t let us manipulate her (I personally received a couple of bites from her) but we never stopped taking care of her and giving her all the best care she needed. When she got worse, she lost a lot of weight and several times we came to think that we were losing it … We are not going to deny that for many days, we felt a lump in our throat when we arrived at the foundation and opened the hospital door thinking about the worst. But no, she has always had the strength to recover and to growl at anyone who dared to approach her food!
Today, with her family, they tell us that she has become the queen of the house, and that she barks at her two brothers when she is the one with her mother. They have put a beautiful coat on her and have taken her for her first ride in a cart where she does not lose any detail!
The reward of seeing her happy and cared for in a home with her new family far outweighs the pain we felt yesterday when we fired her.
You do not know the emptiness that has left in our hospital as well as in our hearts. How such a tiny being is capable of leaving such a huge hole. Yesterday part of us went to Germany with her …
We are going to miss you enormously, grumpy oldy girl. The hospital looks a lot bigger without you …

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Update Gaviota

Since last Thursday when we took Gaviota for the necessary tests, she has remained in an external hospital… When she arrived at the hospital she

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