As usual, yesterday Friday was another day of travel. 27 of our dogs headed to Germany, Belgium and EEUU where they will know the most absolute happiness. We have once again experienced that bittersweet sensation that we have talked so much about: Happy for his new life but sad for his departure. Among the lucky ones this week, we say goodbye to our precious Azul, the friendly Dino, the naughty Vidrié, and the sweet Piluki. We will miss them very much and we are already looking forward to seeing them in their new homes! Thanks this time to the associations that have made it possible Galgorettung Fränkisches Seenland e.V., Vegrennen EV, Galgos Podencos Mastins Balades asbl
and SAGE Save A Galgo Español who have given our Ivano the opportunity in the US.
It´s time to be happy guys !!