Michelle Montigny-Poulalion leaves us open-mouthed again.
Every year she sends us incredible donations and this time with Levriers sans frontieres send us nothing more and nothing less than 7 pallets full of medicines and sanitary material, feed and sweets, and toys for our furry friends! But even more incredible is knowing that this work is not only carried out with us, but also with other small shelters that need this great help so much.
This wonderful action of solidarity helps us to continue doing our work, to rehabilitate and make our dogs happier.
Workers and volunteers, Astrid, and the rest of the dogs take off our hats at this gesture. And we can only repeat again and again: THANK YOU!!!

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Update Gaviota

Since last Thursday when we took Gaviota for the necessary tests, she has remained in an external hospital… When she arrived at the hospital she

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