Today we only breathe sadness.
We are orphaned…
Without her, our story would not have been the same.
Because she was not only part of our beginnings, she was the greatest pillars of the foundations. A great defender of animals, she firmly believed in our project, and together with her daughter Gisela, they founded and bought the land where our foundation stands today.
Rose Marie had a huge heart.
Rose Marie is history of the foundation.
Rose Marie left the foundation for heaven yesterday.
And we can never thank her enough for everythings he did for us and our greyhounds.
For all those rescued greyhounds that are already part of her legacy.
We are sure that all those who sadly left us will receive her today on the other side of the rainbow
We meanwhile here, we will always remember you.
We owe you everything
And for that, we will continue the wonderful work that you started one day.
Each rescued greyhound will be our greatest tribute to you.