Here is her story and our story…
Many of you don’t know her, Gisela is the founder of Foundation Benjamin Mehnert.
Benjamín was the name of one of her rescue dogs. He touched her heart and in his honor she named the foundation after him. No, Benjamin wasn’t a galgo, he was a Doberman mix that died at the age of 17.
Gisela’s relationship with galgos started a bit later when she was a volunteer in a shelter outside of Madrid where she had the chance to go on a galgo rescue. Gisela adopted the galgo that she named Bianca and that is when her fascination for galgos began and her realisation about the reality of galgos in our country. She decided to try and do her part to change this and what a change she has made.
"150,000 dogs are abandoned annually in Spain at the end of hunting season"
With help from her mother, they bought the property that is today where the shelter is located and home to more than 600 animals, the majority being galgos that have suffered abuse and abandonment.
Knowing that it is estimated that 150,000 dogs are abandoned annually in Spain at the end of hunting season and that 60% of those dogs are galgos, FBM’s principal objective is to make this reality known. Through education and social media, advertising and publication, promote a better understanding of the needs of animals and the objective to better their lives; the focus being the reality of abuse and abandonment in our country.
For this reason our goals can be divided in the following areas:
Management of our recovery center
Our goal is to care for and plan a future for galgos that have been the victims of abuse and abandonment. Daily care and management requires a huge effort not only from our staff but also from donations from our generous supporters.
Participation in implementing activities of other organisations that are working towards the same goals. We all need to be working together to reach our goal of bettering the lives of animals.
Preventing and reporting abuse and abandonment of animals. Our work cannot solely be the recovery and recuperation of these animals but also the attempt to prevent it happening in the first place.
Acknowledgement and advice on the proper care of pets. Acknowledgement and advice on the proper care of pets. When we decide to have a pet it’s imperative that we realise that the animal is completely dependent on us for its care. That the owner take full responsibility for its well-being and survival.
Promote responsible ownership. he decision to bring an animal into our homes should be one well thought out and universal within the family. Remembering that this commitment lasts the lifetime of the animal.
Collaborate with FBM and together we can save these poor galgos that so desperately need our help, keeping in mind the importance of preventing their future demise by creating a more respectful and caring society.