







Suitable for Cats




About me

FBM does not know what Matute has been through, but he came to the foundation scared and extremely insecure. He is distrustful, fearful and currently avoids eye contact and physical contact when it comes to interacting with people. He finds it difficult to orient himself in new situations and environments. He gets nervous when he is on leash and needs support, but unfortunately finds it difficult to accept. Given his strong build, Matute really needs to be properly secured, as he is a big boy with a lot of strength, yet Matute has improved a lot in the last few months and is more confident in the presence of people.

Her scars suggest that she was a victim of abuse in the past. Here at the shelter, he is very compatible with other dogs. Dogs that show fear in the shelter will not necessarily behave the same way in a familiar environment. Of course, it is always necessary to be cautious and find the right people who can handle any situation, as it can take a lot of time, effort and management to help these dogs reintegrate back into normal life.

For Matute, we would like to find an experienced foster home where he can find peace of mind, or a home with someone who has experience with fearful dogs, where Matute can learn to breathe and live in peace.

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