Paulo joins our family

This hottie is called Paulo. The bandage on his paw is because he has a closed fracture of the tibia and soon we will take him to the traumatologist to begin the recovery of his paw. He arrived yesterday and he is already one of our family members! He already has a comfortable bed, a full belly and has already received her first serving of pampering! 🥰He is a quiet boy, and somewhat shy at the moment, although it is normal, since he has still been with us for a very short time.
With Paulo we add again almost 30 patients to the hospital … Several of our furry friends have been discharged after recovering completely, but the truth is that dogs that come straight to the hospital do not stop arriving: Bianca, Picoleto, Inouka, Hermine, Pascuala and Olga, are just some of them…
We need you more than ever. Please, collaborate with us,
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Alfred, our “grumpy grandpa,” is actually a very fun and affectionate dog, but the shelter environment doesn’t suit him well. Here at the shelter, he

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