If three moms with their babies weren’t enough, now we have a new mommy at the Foundation!
Her name is Risa and her babies are one of the most adorable
They arrived on Monday and yesterday we spent a long time with them watching them while we were drooling …
We leave you the photos of this new family so that you can get to know them, you will drool like us, and it will make you a little happier this Wednesday!
(Part 2 coming soon)
[At the moment, like the rest of the litters, no puppies are still available, so we will not attend any adoption request for them. We will notify you when they are ready for adoption]
Si tres mamis con sus bebes no eran suficientes, ahora tenemos una mami nueva en la Fundacion!
Se llama Risa y sus bebes son de los más adorables
Llegaron el lunes y ayer estuvimos largo rato con ellos observandolos mientras se nos caia la baba…
Os dejamos con algunas de las fotos de esta nueva familia para que la conozcais, se os caiga la baba como a nosotros, y os haga un poco mas felices este miercoles!
(Próximamente la 2 parte)
[Por el momento, al igual que el resto de camadas, ningún cachorro está aun disponible, por lo que no atenderemos ninguna solicitud de adopcion para ellos. Os avisaremos cuando esten listos para su adopcion]
Sugar overdose! (Part 1)
If three moms with their babies weren’t enough, now we have a new mommy at the Foundation!
Her name is Risa and her babies are one of the most adorable
They arrived on Monday and yesterday we spent a long time with them watching them while we were drooling …
We leave you the photos of this new family so that you can get to know them, you will drool like us, and it will make you a little happier this Wednesday!
(Part 2 coming soon)
[At the moment, like the rest of the litters, no puppies are still available, so we will not attend any adoption request for them. We will notify you when they are ready for adoption]