

The answer is YES!!!

At FBM we need all the help we can get, everyone is welcome no matter what your specialty or strength.

No prior experience needed; any knowledge of veterinary medicine, gardening, animal behaviour, marketing, handiwork… every little bit helps.

And you would be helping our staff and becoming a part of our project to rescue and rehabilitate abused and abandoned animals. Every grain of sand makes difference in the building of a beach!

At FBM there’s always something to do and the daily work load sometimes is overwhelming.

Because of this, organisation is key. You would help to optimise all this work.

Here’s a short list of the things one might be asked to do.

Cleaning cages and disinfecting common areas and the hospital, restocking food and cleaning products, laundry, organising the warehouse and donation material, socialising walks with the dogs, bathing the dogs, evaluating and updating the website with information about dogs, helping in rescues, help in jobs in the hospital, in bandage changing or help in the surgery room…etc.

For sure it will be hard but we can reassure you there is nothing more gratifying.

To be a volunteer for FBM we ask the following:

  • Be 18 years old or older.
  • Be responsible and make a commitment to volunteer 3 days per month minimum to participate in the program.
  • Your own method of transportation or a way to get to and from FBM as public transport isn’t an option.
  • Sign the contract for volunteers.

f you are ready to join our team of dedicated volunteers please fill out the following form.

At FBM we have a guest residence equipped with everything you need while staying at the shelter to volunteer.

The house has three bedrooms with a total of 12 beds available. he only requirement is to ask about availability for your dates with plenty of time before your stay and then to fill out the following form.

  • Volunteering




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