We want to welcome Bras to FBM and we hope that he soon recovers from the injuries he suffered when run over.

We want to welcome Bras to FBM and we hope that he soon recovers from the injuries he suffered when run over. Upon arrival, his wound was bleeding profusely and he was very sore. In order to heal his wound and be able to take X-rays we had to sedate Bras. The result of his exploration showed a metatarsal fracture (his instep) that must be operated on to recover the fracture. Today we have reserved an operating room for his intervention. In the next few days we will post his recovery. Would you like to help us to recover Bras?

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Alfred, our “grumpy grandpa,” is actually a very fun and affectionate dog, but the shelter environment doesn’t suit him well. Here at the shelter, he

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