Ya han comenzado abrir sus ojitos y comienzan a mostrarse curiosos con los ruidos. Est谩n descubriendo los juegos entre ellos, pero son tan peque帽os que pierden a menudo el equilibrio y pasan mas tiempo intentando levantarse que jugando entre ellos, es super divertido verlos!!!! Estrella es toda una super mam谩, no se separa de ellos y siempre esta pendiente de que todos est茅n bien. Aguanta como una campeona cuando los 12 peques la asaltan a la hora de la comida sin quejarse tan siquiera un poco. Es maravilloso verlos.
Que suerte han tenido de nacer en FBM. Y que suerte la nuestra de tenerlos aqu铆 con nosotros y ser participes del comienzo de sus vidas.
Un regalo que sin duda, iremos compartiendo con vosotros!
[ NOTA IMPORTANTE: Los beb茅s de Estrella no est谩n aun disponibles para adopci贸n, ni lo estar谩n pr贸ximamente. Debemos ser prudentes y esperar a ver su evoluci贸n. Por lo tanto, NO se atender谩 ninguna solicitud para ellos ]
馃嚞馃嚙 21 DAYS OF LIFE 馃槏
They have already begun to open their eyes and are beginning to be curious about the noises. They are discovering the games between them, but they are so young that they often lose their balance and spend more time trying to get up than playing with each other, it is super fun to watch them !!!! Estrella is a super mom, she does not separate from them and is always aware that everyone is well. Hold on like a champion when the 12 little ones assault her at lunch without even complaining a bit. It is wonderful to see them.
How lucky they have been to be born in FBM. And how lucky we are to have them here with us and to be part of the beginning of their lives.
A gift that we will undoubtedly share with you!
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Estrella’s babies are not yet available for adoption, nor will they be soon. We must be cautious and wait to see their evolution. Therefore, NO requests will be honored for them]

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