Alana rescatada y a salvo en FBM

Alana rescatada y a salvo en FBM

Esta perrita canela se llama Alana y llega a FBM con una fractura de cúbito y radio. A su llegada tratamos el dolor que padecía y que le creaba mucha ansiedad. Hemos operado de urgencia su pata para que recupere la movilidad pronto y que no queden daños permanentes. Alana es una perrita súper buena y cariñosa y necesita de vuestra ayuda para recuperarse al 100%. ¿Nos ayudas?

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Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Alana

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Alana rescued and safe at FBM

This doggie is Alana and arrived at FBM with a fractured ulna and radius. Upon arrival we treated the pain she suffered as she was very anxious and suffering a lot. We have operated her leg urgently so that she recovers her mobility as soon as possible and there are no permanent damages. Alana is a super good and affectionate dog and needs your help to recover 100%. Can you help us?

You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Alana

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