Nueva llegada a FBM. Atún
Te presentamos a Atún, un perrito que llega a FBM con la piel muy afectada por leishmaniosis. Esta enfermedad como ya sabemos se transmite por la picadura de un insecto muy parecido al mosquito y el diagnóstico precoz es esencial para la cura funcional. Desde hoy hemos comenzado a tratarlo con Glucantime y Alopurinol y seguiremos haciendo análisis de sangre para ver su evolución. Atún es un perro muy cariñoso que ha tenido suerte de llegar a FBM ¿nos ayudas a recuperarlo?
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New arrival at FBM. Atún
We introduce you to Atún, a doggie that arrives at FBM with very affected skin very by leishmaniasis. This disease as you might know is transmitted by the bite of an insect very similar to the mosquito and early diagnosis is essential for functional cure. From today we have started treating it with Glucantime and Allopurinol and we will continue blood testing him to check his improvements. Atún is a very affectionate dog that has been lucky to get to FBM. Can you help us recover him?
You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Salva una vida
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