Candy pasa por cirugía

Candy pasa por cirugía

La semana pasada le dábamos la bienvenida a Candy, una perrita joven preciosa con fractura múltiple de tibia que acabamos de operar. La operación parece que ha salido bien pero sabemos que es una cirugía complicada y que puede tener complicaciones. Candy ha necesitado reposo antes de comenzar a andar por el hospital. De momento todo va bien y os iremos comentando su progreso. Esta perrita nos tiene a todos enamorados ya que es súper cariñosa y quiere mimos a todas horas. ¿Te gustaría ayudarla?

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Candy goes through surgery

We welcomed Candy last week, a beautiful young female dog with multiple tibial fractures that we just operated. The operation seems to have gone well but we know that it is a complex surgery and that it may have complications. Candy needed some rest before starting to walk around the hospital. Everything is going well so far and we will be posting more information about her progress in the coming days. We all are in love with Candy as she is super affectionate and wants pampering at all times. Would you like to help her?

You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life

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