Calígula acaba de ser adoptada en Finlandia

Calígula acaba de ser adoptada en Finlandia

Ayer enviamos a nuestra perrita Calígula hasta Finlandia donde acaba de ser adoptada. Estamos encantados de que por fin encontrase una familia que le pudiera dar el amor que necesitaba. Calígula llegó a FBM hace casi dos años y desde entonces ha esperado pacientemente a ser adoptada. Querida amiga esperamos que seas muy feliz y que cuando nieve te diviertas tanto que olvides el horror de ser abandonada y maltratada. Agradecer a la asociación Galgos del Fénix por su colaboración en dicha adopción.

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Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concepto: Salva una vida
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Caligula has just been adopted in Finland

Yesterday we sent our little friend Caligula to Finland where she has just been adopted. We are delighted that she finally found a family that could give her the love she needed. Caligula came to FBM almost two years ago and since then she waited patiently for her adoption. Dear Caligula, we know that you will be very happy and when it snows you will have so much fun that you will forget the horror of being abandoned and mistreated. We would like to thank Galgos del Fénix for their collaboration in this adoption.

You could also help us
If you want to help us financially:
Iban Es52 2038 9897 106000079077 Bic: Cahmesmmxxx
Concept: Save a life

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• For €1 a month:

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