Actualizacion de Frida

Frida sigue en estado critico.
Todos los dias se le realizan curas donde se le extrae el liquido contenido en su torax y que le impide respirar. Sigue muy decaida y triste. Apenas se levanta y sus ojos aun reflejan el dolor y el agotamiento tras meses de huida sin descanso en las calles… Estamos aqui para hacerle saber que el sufrimiento ya acabó para ella y que ahora le espera la vida que nunca habría imaginado. Seguimos luchando sin descanso para ayudarla.
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Frida´s Update
Frida is still in critical condition.
Every day we do healings where the fluid contained in her chest is extracted and that prevents her from breathing. She is still very down and sad. She barely gets up and her eyes still reflect the pain and fatigue after months of running away through the streets … We are here to let her know that the suffering is over for her and that now the life that she never imagined awaits her. We continue to fight tirelessly to help her.
Do you want to help her too?
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