Las curas de Eros

La mala pata de nuestro Eros ya quedo atrás. Dia tras día nuestro peque pasa por quirófano donde se le realizan las curas de su patita. Tenemos que sedarlo ya que las curas son muy dolorosas. Nos apena ver que haya sufrido tanto siendo tan chiquitín, pero ha merecido la pena y ahora su patita esta mucho mejor! Es un guaperas y ya ha conquistado varios de corazones dentro y fuera de Fbm.
Ayúdanos a recuperar a Eros. Colabora con nosotros.
🇬🇧 The healing of Eros
The bad leg of our Eros is already behind us. Day after day our little one goes through the operating room where his paw is treated. We have to sedate him as the cures are very painful. We are sorry to see that he has suffered so much being so small, but it has been worth it and now his little leg is much better! He is a handsome man and has already conquered several hearts inside and outside of Fbm.
Help us get Eros back. Colaborate with us,

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