Akemi es un mix de galgo con Malinois. Es todo un guaperas, y es otro de nuestros invisibles. Tiene algo que lo hace especial, y no, no es su característica nariz, es su carácter. Akemi llegó rescatado de la calle junto a su madre y hermanos que ya desde pequeños tenían mucho miedo. Pero es todo un campeón, ha superado sus miedos, y ahora es un perrito sociable y super cariñoso! Es además uno de los perritos mas inteligentes según nuestro adiestrador que esta muy orgulloso de el😉 Akemi es un perro realmente increíble y se merece todo lo mejor.
¿Nos ayudas a buscarle familia? COMPARTE!
O mejor aun ¿quieres darle la oportunidad de ser feliz? ADOPTA a Akemi:
Akemi is a mix of greyhound with Malinois. He is quite a handsome, and is another of our invisible dogs. He has something that makes him special, and no, it is not his characteristic nose, it is his character. Akemi arrived rescued from the street along with his mother and brothers who were very afraid since they were little. But he is a real champion, he has overcome his fears, and now he is a sociable and super affectionate little dog! He is also one of the smartest dogs according to our trainer who is very proud of him😉 Akemi is a really incredible dog and he deserves all the best.
Can you help us find a family for him? SHARE!
Or better yet, do you want to give him the opportunity to be happy? ADOPT Akemi: 

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