La cara de Antoñito al saber que se iba adoptado no tiene precio! Es la viva imagen de la felicidad! Igual que la de su adoptante. Fue amor a primera vista desde que lo vio en nuestra página. No le importó su edad, ni que necesitara medicación. Adoptó desde el corazón y solo tenéis que ver como ha cambiado su vida ahora. De un frio chenil a una cama calentita, un sofá compartido con dos hermanitas y mucho mucho amor! Gracias a Dora Victoria por darle esta oportunidad. Llegó tu hora de ser feliz pequeñín! Te vamos a echar muuuucho de menos…
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Antoñito found his happiness!
Antoñito’s face when he found out that he was adopted have not price! It is the spitting image of happiness! Just like his adoptant. It was love at first sight since she saw him on our page. She didn’t care about his age, or that he needed medication. She adopted from the heart and you just have to see how his life has changed now. From a cold chenille to a warm bed, a sofa shared with two little sisters and a lot of love! Thanks to Dora Victoria for giving him this opportunity. It’s your time to be happy, sweetie! We are going to miss you sooo much …
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