Bruma se ha rendido. Su cuerpecito no ha podido mas. Nosotros tampoco…
El dolor que esto nos causa es insoportable.
Teníamos un hilo de esperanza. Queríamos verla recuperándose y jugando como un cachorro feliz. Queríamos brindarle esa oportunidad y no ha podido ser… No tenemos palabras para expresar todo el dolor que sentimos. Nuestra razón no llega a comprender hasta donde es capaz de llegar la crueldad humana.
Bruma merecía vivir, y con dolor y rabia lloramos su perdida…
Perdónanos por no haber podido hacer mas, pequeña Bruma.
Ojalá en tus ultimas horas de vida hayas podido ver que no todas las personas son malas y hayas podido experimentar todo el amor que al menos ayer pudimos brindarte.
Descansa en paz, pequeña…
Bruma has crossed the rainbow bridge
Bruma has surrendered. Her little body couldn’t take it anymore. Us neither…
The pain this causes us is unbearable.
We had a thread of hope. We wanted to see her recovering and playing like a happy puppy. We wanted to give you that opportunity and it could not be … We have no words to express all the pain we feel. Our reason fails to understand how far human cruelty can go.
Bruma deserved to live, and with pain and anger we mourned his loss …
Forgive us for not being able to do more, sweety.
We hope in your last hours of life you have been able to see that not all people are bad and you have been able to experience all the love that at least yesterday we were able to give you.
Rest in peace, little girl…