Los veterinarios han seguido haciéndole pruebas y han comprobado que además de la múltiple fractura de cadera, tiene otra fractura a nivel cervical bastante grave. De ahí el dolor y el hinchazón en su cuello. La gran herida de su ingle está cicatrizando bien. A pesar de resultar muy llamativa, la herida es superficial y no ha dañado tejido muscular. Estamos planteándonos alimentarla mediante sonda, ya que está tan decaída que se niega a comer… Astrid necesita que le mandéis mucha energía positiva. Estamos realmente preocupados por ella…
Veterinarians have continued to test her and have found that in addition to the multiple hip fracture, she has another quite serious cervical fracture. Hence the pain and swelling in her neck. The large wound in her groin is healing well. Despite being very striking, the wound is superficial and has not damaged muscle tissue. We are considering feeding her by tube, since she is so down that she refuses to eat … Astrid needs you to send her a lot of positive energy. We are really worried about her …

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