«Cuidado, me pegan los perros…»

Con esta nota colgada de su cuello llegaba Levis. No sabemos nada de su pasado, pero no es difícil averiguarlo cuando viene con esa nota y lleno de cicatrices antiguas por todo su cuerpo. Esas polémicas iniciales que lo catalogan sólo cierran sus oportunidades. Si Levis tiene que ser catalogado, debería serlo como «Perro Potencialmente Perfecto». Porque es bueno, cariñoso a rabiar, y porque es el perro mas agradecido del mundo! Su pasado no debió ser fácil, y ahora con su mirada parece agradecernos todos los mimos que le damos y que hayamos cambiado su destino. Querido Levis: acabó tu difícil pasado, prometemos que vamos a conseguir que seas muy muy feliz!
🇬🇧 «Watch out, dogs hit me …»
With this note around his neck came Levis. We don’t know anything about his past, but it’s not hard to figure it out when he comes with that note and full of ancient scars all over his body. Those initial controversies that catalog it only close its opportunities. If Levis has to be defined, it should be «Potentially Perfect Dog.» Because he is good, affectionate, and because he is the most grateful dog in the world! His past should not have been easy, and now with his eyes he seems to thank us for all the pampering we give him and that we have changed his destiny. Dear Levis, your difficult past is over, we promise you that we will make you very very happy!

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