Nuestra pequeña sigue hospitalizada con vigilancia 24 horas. Desde el hospital donde está ingresada nos cuentan que Astrid sigue con pronóstico reservado. A pesar del tratamiento analgésico, sigue quejándose de dolor. De momento no hay cambios neurológicos y le han puesto una sonda urinaria para que evitar infecciones en sus heridas. La única noticia buena es que está empezando a comer con apetito, y eso es una buena señal. Vamos campeona, sigue luchando. Sabemos que lo lograrás! Todos estamos contigo!!
Necesitamos tu ayuda para que Astrid salga adelante. Colabora con nosotros,
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Our little girl is still hospitalized with 24-hour surveillance. From the hospital where she is admitted they tell us that Astrid continues with a reserved prognosis. Despite pain relief treatment, he continues to complain of pain. At the moment there are no neurological changes and they have put a urinary catheter to avoid infections in his wounds. The only good news is that you are beginning to eat with an appetite, and that is a good sign. Come on champion, keep fighting. We know you will make it! We are all with you!!
We need your help to help Astrid get ahead. Colaborate with us,
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