Nuestra pequeña sigue luchando. Tiene mucho apetito y le encantan las latitas de comida rica que le damos! Ademas podéis ver como levanta su cabecita ya sin dolor. Ha sobrevivido a un atropello y a dos cirugias complicadas. Es toda una luchadora y sus ganas de vivir son innegables! Dicen que el amor todo lo cura, y nosotros no dejamos de darle todos los mimos posibles…
Our little girl keeps fighting. She has a great appetite and she loves the cans of delicious food that we give her! You can also see how she raises her head without pain. She has survived a car accident and two complicated surgeries. She is quite a fighter and her will to live is undeniable! It is said that love cures everything, and we do not stop giving it all possible pampering …

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