Nuestra pequeña Piruleta sigue bastante débil … Los veterinarios nos cuentan que sigue bastante inflamada y que necesita reposo. Pasa bastantes horas dormida y nos da la sensación de que ahora por fin se siente tranquila para poder descansar, y está aprovechando para hacerlo. La pequeña Sun, es su compañera fiel, y pasa largas horas junto a ella dándole calorcito y compañía. Nos encanta verlas juntas!🥰
Ahora, toca seguir luchando para devolverle a Piruleta la vida digna que se merece.
¿Nos ayudas a devolvérsela?
Our little Piruleta is still quite weak … Vets tell us that she is still quite inflamed and that she needs rest. She spends many hours asleep and it gives us the feeling that now she finally feels calm to be able to rest, and she is taking advantage of it to do so. Little Sun is her faithful companion, and she spends long hours with her giving her warmth and company. We love seeing them together!
Now, it’s time to keep fighting to give Piruleta the dignified life that she deserves.
Would you like to help us give her the life she deserves?

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