Judith está cada vez mas animada. Come con mucho apetito y le encanta que le demos muchos mimos! Pasa largos ratos junto a Astrid y son dos de las pacientes mas mimadas de nuestros hospital. Ayer en la ronda nocturna, nuestros compañeros le tomaron esta foto juntas. Dos guerreras unidas por el mismo pasado y probablemente por el mismo futuro, ser felices tras su completa recuperación. Ese es nuestro propósito y no vamos a parar hasta conseguirlo!
Ayúdanos a rehabilitar a Judith,
Judith is doing well day after day. She eats with a great appetite and loves being caress! She spends long periods with Astrid and they are two of the most pampered patients in our hospital. Yesterday on the night round, our colleagues took this photo of them together. Two warriors united by the same past and probably by the same future, to be happy after their complete recovery. That is our purpose and we will not stop until we achieve it!
Help us rehabilitate Judith,

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