Nos encontraron en una caja abandonados en medio del campo y nos trajeron a FBM. Nuestras familias de acogida lo han hecho super bien y todos hemos crecido sanos y muy felices. Tenemos dos meses aproximadamente y ya estamos listos para ir con nuestra familia definitiva. Buscamos una adopción responsable y comprometida, pues como buenos cachorros somos un poquillo traviesos y nuestras familias deberán soportar nuestras travesuras! Si estás interesado en darnos un hogar, debes rellenar el formulario de adopción, enviarlo, y tener mucha paciencia pues habrá muchas solicitudes preguntando por nosotros!
• ADOPTA. Rellena el formulario de adopción aquí
• COMPARTE y ayuda a estos peques a encontrar una familia!
Can you help us find family?
They found us in an abandoned box in the middle of the field and brought us to FBM. Our foster families have done super well and we have all grown up healthy and very happy. We have approximately two months and we are ready to go with our final family. We look for a responsible and committed adoption, because as good puppies we are a bit naughty and our families will have to put up with our antics! If you are interested in giving us a home, you must fill out the adoption form, send it, and be very patient as there will be many requests asking for us!
• ADOPT. Fill in the adoption form here
• SHARE and help these little ones to find a family!