Hace casi una semana que Nieves llegó a nosotros. La vieron por primera vez abandonada en un olivar y cuando intentaron cogerla, le perdieron la pista. Al segundo día consiguieron verla de nuevo. Estaba tumbada en el olivar y les pareció muy raro que la perrita no saliese corriendo…No podía moverse. Había sufrido un atropello y tenia una fractura abierta bastante desagradable…
Nieves ya ha sido operada. Le han colocado unos fijadores externos y necesita curas diarias, pero vamos a hacer todo lo posible por salvar su pata! Ella es super cariñosa y buena, y se merece que la mimemos hasta que sea capaz de olvidar todo lo que sufrió en su pasado.
Con ella, ya contamos con 30 pacientes en hospital…
Por favor, considera colaborar con nosotros,
It has been almost a week since Nieves came to us. Her rescuers saw her for the first time abandoned in an olive grove and when they tried to catch her, they lost track of her. On the second day they managed to see her again. She was lying in the olive grove and it seemed very strange to them that the dog did not run away … She could not move. She had been hit by a car and had a rather nasty open fracture …
Nieves has already been operated. She has had external fixators placed on her and she needs daily healings, but we are going to do everything possible to save her leg! She is super loving and kind, and she deserves to be pampered until she is able to forget everything she suffered in her past.
With her, we already have 30 patients in the hospital …
Please consider collaborating with us,

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