Picoleto evoluciona más que bien. Su herida está mucho mejor, y en cuanto a su desconfianza en las personas… Ahora busca nuestras manos para que le acariciemos! Estamos en el camino correcto. Su mirada ha cambiado y sus ojos hablan de esperanza. Poco a poco va avanzando y estamos tan felices por el! ☺
Es un superviviente que se merece sin duda todo lo mejor.
Y lo mejor, está aun por llegar…
Picoleto evolves more than well. His wound is much better, and as for his distrust in people … Now he is looking for our hands so that we can caress him! We are on the right track. His gaze has changed and his eyes speak of hope. Little by little he is advancing and we are so happy for him! ☺
He is a survivor who undoubtedly deserves all the best.
And the best is yet to come …

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