Estamos a la espera de realizarle esta semana mas pruebas medicas. La proxima será una resonancia magnetica que nos ayudará a buscar la posible causa de la parálisis de sus patitas traseras. Mientras tanto seguimos cuidandola y mimandola como siempre. Renee es super buena, y nos tiene a todos enamorados con esa carita tan bonita que tiene 😍
No somos capaces de entender que alguien pudiera hacerle daño…
(No mireis a sus ojitos si no quereis caer en su embrujo😉)
¿Te gustaria colaborar en la recuperacion de Renee y ayudarnos con los gastos de todas las pruebas que necesita?
We are waiting for more medical tests this week. The next one will be an MRI that will help us find the possible cause of the paralysis of her hind legs. Meanwhile we continue to take care of her and pamper her as always. Renee is super good girl, and she has us all in love with that pretty face she has 😍
We are not able to understand that someone could harm her…
(You will not look into her eyes if you do not want to fall into his spell😉)
Would you like to collaborate in Renee’s recovery and help us with the expenses of all the tests she needs?

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