Tras la partida de Astrid, sois muchos los que habeis preguntado y os habeis preocupado por Judith. Ambas estaban siempre juntas dandose compañia y se habian convertido en las mejores amigas…
Judith está muy bien. Le estamos dando mas mimos que nunca, y además comparte también mucho tiempo con el resto de sus compis de hospital , que ahora sin duda junto con nosotros, son su mejor apoyo.
Os prometemos que nos estamos encargando de suplir con creces la ausencia de su amiga, y lo cierto es que no parece tener quejas. En las fotos podéis verla relejada, y como es habitual, tan guapa como siempre!😍
After Astrid’s departure, many of you have asked and worried about Judith. The two were always together giving each other company and had become best friends …
Judith is very well. We are giving her more pampering than ever, and she also shares a lot of time with the rest of her hospital friends, who now undoubtedly together with us, are her best support.
We promise you that we are taking care of her more than ever to supply up for the absence of her friend, and the truth is that she does not seem to have complaints. In the photos you can see her relaxed, and as usual, as beautiful as ever! 😍

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