Lo encontraron atropellado con una fractura abierta de tibia y peroné, y rápidamente lo llevaron a un veterinario. Por collar tenía una cuerda, lo que nos daba pistas de que podría tener dueño, y efectivamente así era. Su antiguo dueño apareció, lo vio, y lo cedió sin más.
El viernes a última hora llegó a nosotros para ser parte de nuestra familia, y mañana lunes será operado de su fractura.
Es un galgo súper bueno y cariñoso.
Y se merece conocer otra vida…
Ahora con nosotros tiene esa oportunidad, y os prometemos que Solete va a ser muy feliz. Bienvenido a casa, pequeño. Estás en las mejores manos!
(Mil gracias a Yazmina y a Marta por rescatarlo y por su lucha incansable ayudando a tantos animales)
Ayúdanos a recuperar a Solete,
• Apadrina : https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-padrino/
• Por Tan Solo 1€ AL MES: https://www.teaming.net
The story of Solete, the story of thousands of greyhounds …
They found him run over with an open fracture of the tibia and fibula, and quickly rushed him to a vet. For a necklace he had a rope, which gave us clues that he could have an owner, and indeed he was. His former owner showed up, saw him, and just gave him up.
On Friday at the last minute he came to us to be part of our family, and tomorrow Monday he will be operated on for his fracture.
He is a super good and loving greyhound.
And he deserves to know another life …
Now with us he has that opportunity, and we promise that Solete will be very happy. Welcome home, little boy. You are the best hands!
(A thousand thanks to Yazmina and Marta for rescuing him and for his tireless fight helping so many animals)
Help us get Solete back,
• Sponsor : https://fundacionbm.com/en/sponsorship/
• Donate: https://fundacionbm.com/en/donaciones-2/