Nuestro peque ha pasado bien las primeras horas. Esta mañana se puso muy contento al vernos y no dejaba de movernos el rabito! No se termina de acostumbrar a su vendaje, y desde que se lo pusimos camina y se maneja de manera «algo patosa», pero no os imaginais lo enternecedor que resulta verlo! Por supuesto, las primeras horas hemos estado ahí muy pendientes de él para ayudarle con todo! En breve pasará por quirofano, y estamos seguros de que con esa carita no tardara mucho en encontrar a su nueva familia.
Lo mejor esta por llegar pequeño,
Te vamos a recuperar, y serás el rompecorazones de FBM!
¿Nos ayudas con los gastos de la cirugia y recuperacion de Canal?
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Our little boy had a good time the first few hours. This morning he was very happy to see us and he kept wagging our tails! He doesn’t quite get used to his bandage, and since we put it on he walks and handles himself in a «somewhat clumsy» way, but you can’t imagine how moving it is to see him! Of course, the first few hours we have been there very attentive to him to help him with everything! He will undergo surgery shortly, and we are sure that with that little face he will not take long to find his new family.
The best is yet to come,
We are going to get you back, and you will be the heartbreakers of FBM!
Can you help us with the surgery and recovery Canal´s expenses?
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