La «Risa» de Gigi, Gogo y Lolo
Su sonrisa vale mas que cualquier sonrisa, y es que estos tres pequeños son unos verdaderos supervivientes. Son los unicos cachorros de la camada de Risa que han conseguido sobrevivir al brote de parvovirus y coronavirus que hemos tenido en las ultimas semanas, y hoy celebramos que han superado la enfermedad, que estan mas que sanos, y que están listos para ir con una familia que los cuide y los que los quiera hasta el final de sus dias. Son la pequeña Gigi, y sus hermanos Gogo y Lolo. Tres bichitos que no han dejado de sacarnos una sonrisa mientras les haciamos estas fotos tan bonitas, y que despiertan en nosotros la mayor de las ternuras.
Necesitamos darle la mayor difusion posible para que encuentren a su familia cuanto antes. ¿Nos echas unas patita?
O si bien, alguna de estas caritas ha logrado conquistarte, no olvides rellenar y enviarnos el formulario de adopcion!
• Adopta:
Gigi, Gogo and Lolo’s «Laughter»
His smile is worth more than any smile, and these three little ones are true survivors. They are the only puppies in Risa’s litter that have managed to survive the outbreak of parvovirus and coronavirus that we have had in recent weeks, and today we celebrate that they have overcome the disease, that they are more than healthy, and that they are ready to go with a family that takes care of them and those who love them until the end of their days. They are little Gigi, and her brothers Gogo and Lolo. Three little bugs that have not stopped making us smile while we took these beautiful photos, and that awaken in us the greatest tenderness.
We need to spread the word as much as possible so that you can find your family as soon as possible. Can you give us some paws?
Or even if one of these faces has managed to win you over, don’t forget to fill out and send us the adoption form!
• Adopt: