Tras el cambio a un tratamiento mas agresivo para combatir la Leishmania, hemos conseguido por fin estabilizar a Brad!! Además nuestro pequeño está ganando peso, y hemos sumado a la báscula un total de 5 kilos! Y también hoy ha finalizado el tratamiento para combatir la filaria. Estos días atrás lo hemos visto más animado, y no sólo eso, cada vez se muestra menos reservado y más confiado con nosotros. Que no se aleje de nosotros es todo un logro, y nos hace ver que estamos en el camino correcto. La recuperación física se va completando poco a poco. La recuperación emocional es la tarea pendiente, y no pararemos hasta conseguirlo.
Vamos pequeño, juntos vamos a lograrlo! 💪🏼
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After the change to a more aggressive treatment to combat Leishmania, we have finally managed to stabilize Brad !! In addition, our little one is gaining weight, and we have added a total of 5 kilos to the scale! And also today the treatment to combat filaria has ended. These days ago we have seen him more animated, and not only that, he is less and less reserved and more trusting with us. That he does not move away from us is quite an achievement, and it makes us see that we are on the right way. Physical recovery is being completed little by little. Emotional recovery is the pending task, and we will not stop until we achieve it.
Come on darling, together we will achieve it! 💪🏼
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