Ayer dormia en la calle. Hoy duerme un una cama enorme.
Ayer rebuscaba comida para sobrevivir. Hoy tiene un cuenco rebosando de comida.
Ayer era ignorada por muchos. Hoy solo recibe mimos y mas mimos…
De un dia para otro la suerte de esta pequeña ha cambiado drasticamente. Entre todos los que la vieron vagando por las calles, hubo una chica que no puedo volver la vista. Nos contactó, y horas despues dabamos la bienvenida a la dulce Margarita.
Viene completamente desnutrida, y pesa la mitad de lo que deberia pesar un cachorro de su misma edad.
Pero ya sabemos qué pasa cuando un animal llega a FBM. Ocurre el milagro…
Asi que ahora solo nos queda tener paciencia para ver a esta chiquitina completamente recuperada!
¿Nos ayudas a seguir salvando vidas como la de Margarita?
• Apadrina : https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-padrino/
• Dona: https://fundacionbm.com/donaciones/
• Por tan sólo 1€ al mes: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert
Yesterday she slept on the street. Today she sleeps in a huge bed.
Yesterday she was foraging for food to survive. Today she has a bowl overflowing with food.
Yesterday she was ignored by many. Today she only receives pampering and more pampering …
From one day to the next, this little girl’s luck has changed dramatically. Among all those who saw her wandering the streets, there was a girl that I can’t look back. She contacted us, and hours later we welcomed the sweet Margarita.
She comes completely undernourished, and weighs half of what a puppy her own age should weigh.
But we already know what happens when an animal arrives at FBM. The miracle happens …
So now we just have to be patient to see this little girl completely recovered!
Would you like to help us to continue saving lives like Margarita’s?
• Sponsor : https://fundacionbm.com/en/sponsorship/
• Donate: https://fundacionbm.com/en/donaciones-2/
• For Only €1 PER MONTH: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK