Dicen que «de tal palo, tal astilla»… Y aqui tenemos a una preciosa mamá con sus (como no) preciosos bebés. Los pequeñajos van creciendo por dias, y aunque siguen un poco timidos y extrañados con el entorno, ya comienzan a mostarse mas desinhibidos y tambien muestran interes y curiosidad cuando nos ven llegar. Recordad que estos peques nacieron y su mamá construyó una madriguera para ponerlos a salvo, por lo que el contacto con las personas ha sido practicamente nulo, de ahí que se muestren todavia algo timidos.
Nosotros continuamos trabajando con ellos, y creemos que muy pronto podremos verlos en sus facetas mas simpaticas y traviesas.
Os dejamos con unas cuantas fotos de esta familia preciosa
¿Nos ayudas a seguir salvando vidas como la de esta familia?
• Apadrina : https://fundacionbm.com/hazte-padrino/
• Por tan sólo 1€ al mes: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert
They say that «like father like son» … And here we have a beautiful mother and her (of course) beautiful babies. The puppies are growing by days, and although they are still a bit shy and surprised with the environment, they already begin to show more uninhibited and also show interest and curiosity when they see us arrive. Remember that these little ones were born and their mother built a burrow to keep them safe, so contact with people has been practically zero, hence they are still somewhat shy.
We continue to work with them, and we believe that very soon we will be able to see them in their most friendly and mischievous facets.
We leave you with a few photos of this beautiful family
Can you help us to continue saving lives like this family’s?
• Sponsor : https://fundacionbm.com/en/sponsorship/
• Donate: https://fundacionbm.com/en/donaciones-2/
• For Only €1 PER MONTH: https://www.teaming.net/fundacionbenjaminmehnert?lang=en_UK