Estas fotos son tan solo un dia despues del parto de Estrella. Los bebes no tenian aun ni 24 horas de vida…
Al dia siguiente por la mañana temprano fuimos a verla para comprobar que todo marchaba bien. Ella estaba agotada, pero tranquila. Los bebés no dejaban de mamar o bien dormian placidamente. Y un rayito de sol se colaba por la puerta de su habitacion haciendolo todo aun mas idilico si cabe. El paraiso bien podria confundirse con esto…
Han nacido 12 preciosos bebes, todos blanquitos con hociquitos rosas.Y observarlos se convierte en magia. Una madre valiente, y 12 pequeños abriendose paso a la vida.
Estos momentos tan maravillosos superan con creces a los malos momentos.
Somos afortunados, muy afortunados
Bienvenidos a la vida!
These photos are just one day after Estrella’s giving birth. The babies were not even 24 hours old …These photos are just one day after Estrella’s giving birth. The babies were not even 24 hours old …
The next day early in the morning we went to see her to check that everything was going well. She was exhausted, but calm. The babies either did not stop suckling or they slept peacefully. And a ray of sunlight crept through the door of her room making everything even more idyllic if possible. Paradise could well be mistaken for this …
12 beautiful babies have been born, all white with pinky noses, and watching them becomes magic. A brave mother, and 12 little babies making their way to life.
These wonderful moments far outweigh the bad moments.
We are lucky, very lucky
Welcome to life!

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