Esta semana casi todos los dias han sido viernes. Ha sido una semana repleta de emociones viajes, y diferentes destinos. EEUU, Belgica, Alemania y Canad谩 ser谩n los paises encargados de acoger anuestros peques, donde el obejtivo es el mismo para todos : LA FELICIDAD.
Comenzamos despidiendonos el domingo de 4 de nuestros peques que ponian rumbo a EEUU de la mano de Love, Hope, Believe Galgo Adoption Inc.
El martes por fin, y tras varios semanas de espera por tramites burocraticos, pudieron viajar 5 de ellos destino a California (EEUU) con nuestros amigos de SAGE Save A Galgo Espa帽ol El turno de Belgica y All 4 Dogs lleg贸 el jueves, y nos despedimos de los dos ultimos peques de Felicia que aun seguian con nosotros, Floro y Feliz porfin podr谩n ser felices en nues nuevos hogares. El turno de Alemania fue el viernes, y el m谩s emotivo de todos, ya que nos despedimos y dijimos adi贸s a nuestra querida Endira tras m谩s de dos a帽os con nosotros. Todo gracias a Vegrennen EV que no han cesado en la busqueda de una familia para nuestra peque帽a! Le acompa帽aban tambi茅n 4 galgos m谩s en su viaje que har铆an parada en B茅lgica para reunirse con sus familias gracias a Galgo Save Belgium. Y ma帽ana domingo y no menos importante, nos despediremos de nuestra traviesa Pepita y nuestro guapisimo Mois茅s que han encontrado familia al otro lado del oc茅ano, nada m谩s y nada menos que en Canad谩 con nuestros amigos de Extraordinary Galgos and Podencos!
Buen viaje a los que estan a punto de embarcar. Y feliz vida para el resto.
Os vamos a echar muuucho de menos…
馃嚞馃嚙 20 DOGS馃惗 4 DESTINATIONS 馃殣馃實鉁堬笍 SAME GOAL馃彔
This week almost every day has been Friday. It has been a week full of emotions, travels, and different destinations. The USA, Belgium, Germany and Canada will be the countries in charge of welcoming our little ones, where the goal is the same for all: HAPPINESS.
We started saying goodbye on Sunday to 4 of our little ones who were heading to the US by the hand of Love, Hope, Believe Galgo Adoption Inc. On Tuesday finally, and after several weeks of waiting for bureaucratic procedures, 5 of them were able to travel to California (USA) with our friends from SAGE Save A Galgo Espa帽ol. The turn of Belgium and All 4 Dogs arrived on Thursday, and we said goodbye to the last two Felicia’s children who were still with us, Floro and Feliz could finally be happy in our new homes. Germany’s turn was on Friday, and perhaps the most emotional, as we said goodbye and said goodbye to our beloved Endira after more than two years with us. All thanks to Vegrennen EV who have not stopped searching for a family for our little one! He was also accompanied by 4 more greyhounds on his trip that would stop in Belgium to meet their families thanks to Galgo Save Belgium. And tomorrow Sunday and not least, we will say goodbye to our naughty Pepita and our beautiful Moises who have found family on the other side of the ocean, nothing more and nothing less than in Canada with aour friends of Extraordinary Galgos and Podencos!
Have a good trip to those who are about to embark. And happy life to the rest
We are going to miss you sooo much …@

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