En tan solo unos pocos meses de vida, estos pequeños han vivido de todo. Su mamá los ocultó en una madriguera para refugiarlos del peligro. Fueron rescatados y traídos hasta nuestras instalaciones, y una vez aqui, cuando todo parecia ir bien, enfermaron de coronavirus, pero han superado la enfermedad y ahora estan listos para ir a una casita!
Os los presentamos de uno en uno, y os pedimos la mayor difusion posible para estas caritas bonitas, para que asi puedan encontrar su familia y comenzar a ser felices!
Por orden de aparicion: Casia, Pipo, Nolo, Momita, Cacao, Lora, Luisito, Nicolas y Raton
¿Dispuesto a darle una oportunidad a alguno de ellos?
Rellena y envía el formulario de adopción
• Adopta: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/
In just a few months of life, these little ones have lived through it all. Their mother hid them in a burrow to shelter them from danger. They were rescued and brought to our facilities, and once here, when everything seemed to be going well, they fell ill with coronavirus, but they have overcome the disease and now they are ready to go to a little house!
We present them to you one by one, and we ask you to spread them as widely as possible for these pretty faces, so that they can find their family and begin to be happy!
In order of appearance: Casia, Pipo, Nolo, Momita, Cacao, Lora, Luisito, Nicolas and Raton
Willing to give any of them a chance?
Fill out and send the adoption form
• Adopt: https://fundacionbm.com/adopta/