¿Recordáis a Enzo? Llegó hace muy poquitos días, y a pesar de ser aun un cachorro, su comportamiento no era el habitual de un perrito que está empezando a vivir. Enzo estaba triste, muy triste, y su foto con la cabeza gacha nos conmovió a muchos de nosotros… Sabíamos que teníamos que hacer algo, que Enzo no merecía estar así, y nos pusimos manos a la obra para poder cambiar esa carita triste. Los días posteriores le dimos mucho cariño y empezamos a ver un cambio en él, pero lo cierto es que no íbamos a conformarnos con eso. Entre todos los formularios de adopción recibidos encontramos el de María, que ya estaba a punto de completar el proceso a la espera solo de conocer a los candidatos. Pero esta vez no hubo varios candidatos. Todo encajó a la perfección, Enzo y María hacían la pareja perfecta!!! Y el resto, suponemos que ya os hacéis una idea…Solo tenis que ver las fotos para ver el cambio de Enzo en su cuerpo y en su mirada!
Ahora si que comienza a vivir. Ahora por fin, tendrá la vida que se merece!
Sed muy felices! ❤
Do you remember Enzo? He arrived very few days ago, and despite being still a puppy, his behavior was not the usual one for a puppy that he is beginning to live. Enzo was sad, very sad, and his photo with his head down touched many of us … We knew that we had to do something, that Enzo did not deserve to be like this, and we got down to work to be able to change that sad face . The following days we gave him a lot of affection and we began to see a change in him, but the truth is that we were not going to settle for that. Among all the adoption forms received, we found that of María, who was already about to complete the process, just waiting to meet the candidates. But this time there were not several candidates. Everything fit perfectly, Enzo and Maria made the perfect couple !!! And the rest, we suppose that you already have an idea … You only have to look at the photos to see the change in Enzo in his body and in his eyes!
Now if he begins to live. Now at last, he will have the life he deserves!
Do you remember Enzo? He arrived very few days ago, and despite being still a puppy, his behavior was not the usual one for a puppy that he is beginning to live. Enzo was sad, very sad, and his photo with his head down touched many of us … We knew that we had to do something, that Enzo did not deserve to be like this, and we got down to work to be able to change that sad face . The following days we gave him a lot of affection and we began to see a change in him, but the truth is that we were not going to settle for that. Among all the adoption forms received, we found that of María, who was already about to complete the process, just waiting to meet the candidates. But this time there were not several candidates. Everything fit perfectly, Enzo and Maria made the perfect couple !!! And the rest, we suppose that you already have an idea … You only have to look at the photos to see the change in Enzo in his body and in his eyes!
Now if he begins to live. Now at last, he will have the life he deserves!
Be very happy! ❤very happy! ❤

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