Se llama Goofy. Fue encontrado abandonado en la calle completamente aterrorizado y con una fractura en su rodilla. Pero el principal trabajo con Goofy no es su rodilla, sino recuperar su confianza en las personas…Por la forma en la que Goofy se esconde y agacha su cabeza cuando vamos a acariciarlo, deducimos que su pasado debió ser terrible. Se hace pipí y caca encima tan solo con tocarlo…Es por eso que ya hemos empezado a trabajar con él, y cada día nos acompaña en la oficina para acostumbrarse a la presencia de las personas.Le hemos preparado una jaula donde se siente seguro y tranquilo, y además usamos comida sabrosa como refuerzo positivo. El primer día no se atrevía a comer nada. Hoy ya ha dado señales de que vamos en buen camino… Poco a poco pequeño, todo va a estar bien…
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We have called him Goofy. He was found abandoned in the street completely terrified and with a broken knee. But the main work with Goofy is not his knee, but to regain his trust in people … From the way Goofy hides and lowers his head from us when we go to caress him, we deduce that his past must have been terrible. He pees and poops on himself just by touching him … That is why we have already started working with him, and every day he accompanies us in the office to get used to the presence of people. We have prepared a cage where he sits safe and quiet, plus we use tasty food for positive reinforcement. The first day he did not dare to eat anything. Today he has already given signs that we are on the right track … Little by little sweetie, everything will be fine …
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