No tenemos de momento buenas noticias sobre Maya… Como ya sabeis, Maya llegó con una herida terrible en su pata. Todo parecía indicar que quedó atrapada en un cepo de caza. Tras los primeros dias y las primeras curas, nuestros veterinarios han observado que no tiene sensibilidad en sus deditos, por lo que hemos decidido darle tiempo a ver si hay posibilidad de que se recupere. En caso contrario, deberemos decidir cual es la mejor opcion para ella…
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We do not have good news about Maya at the moment … As you know, Maya arrived with a terrible wound on her leg. Everything seemed to indicate that she was trapped in a hunting trap. After the first days and the first cures, our veterinarians have observed that she has no sensitivity in her fingers, so we have decided to give her time to see if there is a chance that she will recover. Otherwise, we will have to decide which is the best option for her …
Veterinary bills are piling up. We need you more than ever!
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