Asi la hemos llamado gracias a la generosidad de Ana Rodriguez que ganó la puja solidaria que hicimos para pagar parte de su tratamiento. Los veterinarios nos cuentan que a nivel óseo no tiene ninguna fractura, y que probablemente sufra un traumatismo a nivel muscular. Debe seguir en observación y vigilada las 24 horas, ya que las primeras horas tras un atropello son decisivas para descartar posibles lesiones internas. Aún no la hemos visto levantarse y caminar, pero estamos seguros de que la veremos hacerlo muy pronto. Mirad que animada la hemos encontrado ya hoy! Os regalamos estas preciosas fotos en agradecimiento a todos los que os habéis preocupado por ella y habéis hecho vuestra aportación para que se recupere lo antes posible.
Vamos pequeña, estamos todos contigo!💪🏼
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That is what we have called her thanks to the generosity of Ana Rodriguez that she won the solidarity auction that we made to pay for part of her treatment. Veterinarians tell us that at the bone level she does not have any fracture, and that she will probably suffer trauma at the muscular level. She must continue to be observed and monitored 24 hours a day, since the first hours after a run over are decisive to rule out possible internal injuries. We haven’t seen her get up and walk yet, but we’re sure we’ll see her do it very soon. Look how lively we have already found her today! We give you these beautiful photos in gratitude to all of you who have worried about her and have made your contribution so that she recovers as soon as possible.
Come on little girl, we are all with you! 💪🏼
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