Aqui esta la familia al completo que rescatamos la semana pasada. La mamá que llego con mucho miedo va mejorando poco a poco, y los pequeños… ¿Que podemos deciros de estos pequeños? Solo teneis que ver las fotos para ver que estan hechos unos sinverguenzas! Pero unos sinverguenzas adorables! Que ratito hemos pasado con ellos!!! Ojala estas fotos consigan transmitiros la misma ternura que hemos sentido hoy estando con ellos.
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Here is the entire family that we rescued last week. The mother who arrived with a lot of fear is improving little by little, and the little babies … What can we tell you about these little babies? You only have to see the photos to see that they are made some scoundrels! But some adorable scoundrels! What a wonderful time we have spent with them !!! Hopefully these photos manage to convey the same tenderness that we felt today being with them.
Enjoy them!
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