Solo dos cachorros han logrado sobrevivir al parvovirus. Mientras que uno de ellos se ha recuperado por completo y está super animado, esta pequeña aun sigue luchando por su vida…
Ha conseguido superar la enfermedad, sin embargo a ella le han quedado secuelas. Tiene hipoglucemia (nivel de azucar mas bajo de lo normal) caquexia (poca musculatura) y tiene altibajos en los que le baja la temperatura repentinamente y hay que tener especial cuidado. Alvaro, uno de nuestros veterinarios se la lleva a casa para proporcionarle cuidados intensivos, y por el momento estamos consiguiendo estabilizarla.
Estamos cruzando dedos. Todo puede pasar, pero no perdemos la esperanza.
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Only two cubs have managed to survive the parvovirus. While one of them has fully recovered and is in high spirits, this little girl is still fighting for her life …
She has managed to overcome the disease, however she has had sequelae. She has hypoglycemia (sugar level lower than normal) cachexia (little muscle) and has ups and downs in which the temperature drops suddenly and special care must be taken. Alvaro, one of our vets is taking her home for intensive care, and at the moment we are managing to stabilize her.
We are crossing our fingers. Anything can happen, but we do not lose hope.
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