Tania y Jesus encontraron a Sol y la rescataron de aquel vertedero. La trajeron con nosotros y les prometimos que buscariamos la mejor familia para ella. Sin embargo, Tania no dejaba de pensar en aquella galguita con mirada triste, y no se la sacaba de la cabeza…
Preocupados por ella y por su evolucion, venian cada semana a verla sin faltar nunca a su cita, y aquel vinculo que comenzó desde el momento en que la rescataron, se hacia cada vez mas fuerte. Habiamos encontrado una familia para ella en Alemania, pero resulta que Sol ya habia encontrado a su familia…
Pasó lo que tenia que pasar. Y ahora Sol ya vive felizmente adoptada junto a Tania y Jesus.
Nos encantan estos finales tan felices!
Gracias chicos, por haber caminado junto a ella desde que la encontrasteis en las calles. Y gracias por permitirle seguir caminando junto a vosotros.
Se muy feliz pequeña,
Sed muy felices juntos!
Tania and Jesus found Sol and rescued her from that dump. They brought her with us and we promised that we would find the best family for her. However, Tania couldn’t stop thinking about that little galguita with a sad look, she didn’t get it out of her head …
Concerned about her and her evolution, they came every week to see her without ever missing her appointment, and that bond that began from the moment she was rescued, grew stronger and stronger. We had found a family for her in Germany, but it turns out that Sol had already found her family …
It happened what had to happen. And now Sol already lives happily adopted with Tania and Jesus.
We love these happy endings!
Thank you guys for having walked with her since you found her on the streets. And thank you for allowing her to continue walking with you.
Be very happy sweety,
Be very happy together!