En tan solo dos semanas, esta peque帽a y preciosa ha tenido un giro de 180 grados en su vida.
Tuvo la suerte de sobrevivir sola en las calles. Tuvo la suerte de refugiarse en un polvero y ser rescatada por uno de sus trabajadores.Tuvo la suerte de llegar a nosotros, e irse inmediatamente de acogida. Y ahora, le ha llegado tambien la suerte de su vida: ha sido felizmente adoptada! Os deseamos toda la felicidad del mundo juntos!
Sumamos otro nuevo final feliz!
In just two weeks, this precious little girl has had a 180 degree turn in her life.
She was lucky to survive alone on the streets. She was lucky enough to take refuge in a factory and be rescued by one of the workers. She was lucky enough to get to us, and go immediately to a foster home. And now, the luck of her life has also come to her: she has been happily adopted! We wish you all the happiness in the world together!
We add another new happy ending!